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LYSH@MyHostName# show ufw added ufw allow from to any port 22 ufw allow from to any port 22 ufw allow from to any port 22 ==== 사용(enable) / 미사용(Disable) ==== configuration mode에서 ufw를 사용 혹은 미사용 상태로 전환할 수 있습니다. {{note | 기본 incoming 규칙을 "allow"로 변경 후 ufw를 "사용(enable)" 상태로 변경하세요. 그렇지 않으면 현재 연결이 끊기고 및 일부 서비스의 통신이 차단 될 수 있습니다.}} LYSH@MyHostName# configure configure# ufw default allow configure# ufw enable configure# exit LYSH@MyHostName# show ufw Status: active Logging: on (low) Default: <span style="color:red;">allow (incoming)</span>, allow (outgoing), disabled (routed) New profiles: skip 미사용으로 변경하려면 <code>ufw disable</code> 명령을 실행하세요. LYSH@MyHostName# configure configure# ufw disable configure# exit {{note | 기본 incoming 규칙을 "deny"로 설정하고 "allow" 규칙을 추가하는게 낫습니다. 만일 기본 규칙을 "allow"로 하면 수많은 "deny" 규칙을 추가해야 니다. 따라서 모든 "allow" 규칙을 추가 후 기본 incoming 규칙을 "deny"로 변경하세요.}} ===== ufw 사용 요약 ===== {| class="wikitable" ! mode !! 명령 !! 설명 |- | configuration || <code>ufw default allow</code> || 기본 incoming 규칙을 "allow"으로 변경 |- | configuration || <code>ufw enable</code> || ufw를 사용 상태로 변경 |- | user|| <code>show ufw</code> || ufw 상태 확인 |- | configuration || <code>ufw allow {syntax}</code> || "allow" 규칙 추가.{{note|아래 언급된 "필수 허용 규칙"은 모두 추가하세요.}} |- | user|| <code>show ufw added</code> || ufw 상태 및 추가된 규칙 확인 |- | configuration || <code>ufw default deny</code> || 기본 incoming 규칙을 "deny"로 변경 |- | user|| <code>show ufw added</code> || ufw 상태 및 추가된 규칙 확인 |- |} ==== rules ==== You can add a rule at the end of existing rule and can insert a rule at the specific position. ===== Basic syntax ===== <pre> LYSH@MyHostName# configure configure# ufw allow 22 // To allow incoming tcp and udp packet on port 22. configure# ufw allow 23/tcp // To allow incoming tcp packet on port 23. configure# ufw allow 24/udp // To allow incoming udp packet on port 24. configure# ufw allow ssh // To allow ssh by name. configure# ufw allow from // To allow packets from configure# ufw allow from // To allow packets from </pre> To allow IP address access to port 22 for all protocols. configure# ufw allow from to any port 22 To allow IP address access to port 22 for all protocols using TCP. configure# ufw allow from to any port 22 proto tcp To allow IP address access to port 22 for all protocols using TCP. configure# ufw allow from to any port 22 proto tcp ===== Adding rules ===== You can add a "allow" rule at the end by type the command <code>ufw allow {syntax}</code>. If you want to insert a rule before existing rule. enter the <code>ufw insert {number} allow {syntax}</code>. LYSH@MyHostName# configure configure# ufw allow from to any port 22 configure# ufw allow from to any port 22 configure# exit You can see the "ALLOW" rules that entered later has a higher number. In other words, If you add a rule, the rule is located at the end. LYSH@MyHostName# show ufw Status: active Logging: on (low) Default: allow (incoming), allow (outgoing), disabled (routed) New profiles: skip To Action From -- ------ ---- [ 1] 22 ALLOW IN [ 2] 22 ALLOW IN If you want to add a rule at the specific number, enter the <code>ufw insert {number} allow {syntax}</code>. This will shift down the rules whose number is equal to or greater than the {number}. LYSH@MyHostName# configure configure# ufw <span style="color:red;">insert 2</span> allow from to any port 22 configure# exit LYSH@MyHostName# show ufw Status: active Logging: on (low) Default: allow (incoming), allow (outgoing), disabled (routed) New profiles: skip To Action From -- ------ ---- [ 1] 22 ALLOW IN [ 2] 22 ALLOW IN [ 3] 22 ALLOW IN // shift down By default, no logging is performed when a packet matches a rule. Specifying log will log all new connections matching the rule, and log-all will log all packets matching the rule. For example, to deny and log the specific rules LYSH@MyHostName# configure configure# ufw deny log from to any port 22 proto tcp configure# exit Now if the host(i.e. connects to the device via ssh, you can see the "BLOCK" log. LYSH@MyHostName# show log ufw 2021-04-26 14:55:27 4 0 MyHostName kernel: [7282110.099052] [UFW BLOCK] IN=eth0 OUT=MAC=00:15:5d:03:1e:57:00:04:96:34:b5:e9:08:00 SRC= DST= ===== Required rules ===== You must specify these rules to have all imRAD services work properly. You'd better copy all the following rules and then paste them. {{note|Note that if your system does not need to serve some services, you can ignore their rules. Please refer to the [[ImRAD port]] to verify what the port number means.}} LYSH@MyHostName# show ufw added ufw allow 80/tcp ufw allow 443/tcp ufw allow 6710/tcp ufw allow 1812/udp ufw allow 1813/udp ufw allow 1813/tcp ufw allow 1812/tcp ufw allow 18123/udp ufw allow 67/udp ufw allow 68/udp ufw allow 77/tcp ufw allow 647/tcp ufw allow 547/udp ufw allow 546/udp ufw allow 6010/udp Specify your IP address to access via SSH. configure# ufw allow from {your ip address} to any port 22 proto tcp ===== Deny/Reject ===== You can block from a host using by the "deny" or "reject" rule. LYSH@MyHostName# configure configure# ufw deny log from to any port 22 proto tcp configure# ufw reject log from to any port 22 proto tcp {{note|Note that If you use "deny", the ufw silently discards incoming packets. If you use "reject", the ufw sends back an error packet to the sender of the rejected packet. You'd better using the deny rule because the client must not know why the connection is not established.}} ==== Deleting rules ==== To delete a rule, simply prefix the original rule with delete or specify the rule number. LYSH@MyHostName# show ufw Status: active Logging: on (low) Default: allow (incoming), allow (outgoing), disabled (routed) New profiles: skip To Action From -- ------ ---- [ 1] 22 ALLOW IN [ 2] 22 ALLOW IN [ 3] 22 ALLOW IN // shift down LYSH@MyHostName# configure configure# ufw delete 2 configure# exit LYSH@MyHostName# show ufw Status: active Logging: on (low) Default: <span style="color:red;">allow (incoming)</span>, allow (outgoing), disabled (routed) New profiles: skip To Action From -- ------ ---- [ 1] 22 ALLOW IN [ 2] 22 ALLOW IN You can also delete a rule using added rule. LYSH@MyHostName# show ufw added ufw allow from to any port 22 ufw allow from to any port 22 LYSH@MyHostName# configure configure# ufw delete allow from to any port 22 configure# exit LYSH@MyHostName# show ufw Status: active Logging: on (low) Default: allow (incoming), allow (outgoing), disabled (routed) New profiles: skip To Action From -- ------ ---- [ 1] 22 ALLOW IN ==== default rule TO "deny" ==== If you definitely added all rules including the Required rules, change the default incoming rule to "deny". '''Be sure that there is a rule to access the SSH from your IP address before changing the default rule to "deny".''' LYSH@MyHostName# configure configure# ufw default deny configure# exit LYSH@MyHostName# show ufw Status: active Logging: on (low) Default: <span style="color:red;">deny (incoming)</span>, allow (outgoing), disabled (routed) New profiles: skip To Action From -- ------ ---- [ 1] 22 ALLOW IN [ 2] 22 ALLOW IN ==== reset ==== If you reset the ufw, all rules are deleting, default incoming rule is changed to "allow", and the ufw status is change to "disable". LYSH@MyHostName# configure configure# ufw reset configure# exit LYSH@MyHostName# show ufw Status: inactive LYSH@MyHostName# show ufw added (None) ==== log ==== The ufw logs all blocked packets not matching the defined policy and you can see them by the [[CLI - Log | <code>show log ufw</code>]] in the user mode. === References === 이 문서에서 사용한 틀: 틀:Note (원본 보기) CLI - ufw 문서로 돌아갑니다.