
The user in the CLI means a user account that can directly connect to the imRAD devices using a console or ssh.

Verifying User and Login Sessions

You can verify all user list by the show user command. The "logged-in" indicates that someone is logged in or not.

LYSH@MyHostName# show user
user         locked   logged-in    latest
ladmin       True     True         Wed Apr 28 17:55:44 +0900 2021

If you enter the show session command, you can see all login sessions.

LYSH@MyHostName# show session
 18:58:08 up 86 days, 10:51,  4 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.14, 0.15
USER             TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
ladmin           pts/1     Mon10    0.00s  2.56s  0.25s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/sbin/lysh
ladmin           pts/2     Mon10    1:02m  0.53s  0.41s sshd: ladmin [priv]

Configuring Password

You can change the password of the user by entering the user password command in the configuration mode. If you execute the user password command, the system will ask for the current password and new password.

LYSH@MyHostName# configure
configure# user password

Disconnecting User

You can forcibly disconnect a user session by the disconnect {tty} command in the user mode. you should ensure the tty[1] of a user session by he show session command before disconnecting a session.

LYSH@MyHostName# disconnet pts/2
 18:58:08 up 86 days, 10:51,  4 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.14, 0.15
USER             TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
ladmin           pts/1     Mon10    0.00s  2.56s  0.25s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/sbin/lysh
ladmin           pts/2     Mon10    1:02m  0.53s  0.41s sshd: ladmin [priv]

Adding User

In the configuration mode, you can create a new user. Also, you can delete, lock, or unlock an existing user.

LYSH@MyHostName# configure
confiugre# user add newuser newpassword
confiugre# exit
LYSH@MyHostName# show user
user         locked   logged-in    latest
ladmin       True     True         Wed Apr 28 17:55:44 +0900 2021
newuser      False    False        **Never logged in**

Deleting User

To delete a specific user, enter the user delete {username} command in the configuration mode.
Note that if you delete a user who is in a login state, you will fail to delete it. Therefore you must disconnect the user before deleting it.

LYSH@MyHostName# configure
confiugre# user delete newuser


You can lock a user. And then you can't log in with the locked user. Also, you can unlock the locked user.

LYSH@MyHostName# configure
confiugre# user lock newuser
configure# exit
LYSH@MyHostName# show user
user         locked   logged-in    latest
baseindev    False    True         Fri Apr 30 09:32:05 +0900 2021
newuser      True     False        Thu Apr 29 18:52:16 +0900 2021

LYSH@MyHostName# configure
confiugre# user unlock newuser
configure# exit
LYSH@MyHostName# show user
user         locked   logged-in    latest
baseindev    False    True         Fri Apr 30 09:32:05 +0900 2021
newuser      False     False        Thu Apr 29 18:52:16 +0900 2021