

We provide several formats for specific data to display.

Item Description
Default Language The imRAD supports Korean and English. The first time you accessed the page, the default language is decided by the character-set of its browser. If the character-set is neither Korean nor English, a user's environment is set to this default language.

You can change the language by clicking the Language Selector on the top-right after login. If you change the language, your browser always displays text in the changed language.

Datetime Format It is the format of the Date and Time.
IPv6 Address It is the format of the IPv6 Address
MAC Address It is the format of the MAC Address

Custom Fields

You can input the general user information in the IP addresses and the RADIUS accounts. The user information form has up to 5 fields and you can customize them.

Display Name It displays with the specified name.
Enabled If you set it, only the enabled form is shown.
Require If you set it, it is required.

Dedicated Log Server

You must configure the MySQL Database in your log server before enabling it and you can read the how-to-configure at the Configuring Dedicated Log Server section.

Log Server

You can define a log server and all fields are required.

Item Description
Enabled Turn on to enable exporting logs.
Host The IP Address of a log server.
Port The MySQL port in a log server. MySQL uses default port number 3306.
Username/Password MySQL username and password.
Skip sql error If you set it to "Yes", the logexp service skips the log that was occurred an error while executing in the log server. If "No", the logexp service executes the same query for a log until the result is successful. We recommend you set it to "Yes".
Log exporting status

It shows the status of exporting logs. The "Remain" indicates the number of logs that will be exporting. If the number is high, you need to check the logexp service is running via the CLI or confirm the "Skip sql error" is "Yes".

Target Log
System Messages

You can choose target log tables. The maximum age indicates how many logs keep in the log server. For example, if you set it to 6, logs that are less than six months from now in the log server will be deleting. If you click the erase icon beside the Log table name, the service exports all logs again. The "Remain" indicates how many logs remain and the "Exported" indicates how many logs have been exported.

System Messages

The System Messages are events for the imRAD system activities. The imRAD system notifies several messages when a job exceeds the specified threshold. You can see the messages by clicking the bell icon on the top-right after login.

Note that If it encounters low disk space, you should increase available disk space by clearing some files. The Diagnosis disk space section describes how to do it.

If you want to ignore some event, please do not select a check box.

Warning threshold for Disk utilization rate If the total used size of disk exceeds the threshold, it generates a "Warning" message.
Critical threshold for Disk utilization rate If the total used size of disk exceeds the threshold, it generates a "Critical" message. You must clear some logs after connecting a system via the CLI.
Idle detection timeout for system activity If the system information is not updated above the threshold, it is considered abnormal and we call it "Idle System".
Idle detection timeout for service activity If the service information is not updated above the threshold, it is considered abnormal and we call it "Idle Service".
Inactive service It indicates that an enabled service is not running. You need to check a service by the CLI.
Threshold for DHCP Pool utilization rate If the utilization rate of more than or equal to one DHCP Pool exceeds the threshold, it generates messages. You must increase the Pool.
Seconds behind master It indicates there are records in the master database more than the threshold. It means the Database replication is delaying. Please refer to the Systems section to solve this problem.
Replication error It generates a message when the Replication error occurs. Please refer to the Systems section to solve this problem.
The number of log remains It generates a message when the log to be transferred exists above the threshold. please refer to the Environment > Dedicated Log Server to resolve this problem.
Connection errors of 3rd party databases(DBMS or LDAP) if an imRAD system failed to connect to a PTA or LDAP server that was configured in the RADIUS, a message is generated.
Check for new updates if you set it to "YES", each imRAD system checks a new update once a day. If a new update exists, it informs as the system message. If you want to update a system, Please refer to the Updating system section.
Dormant data cleanup interval It is the interval in hours to handle dormant or inactivity of RADIUS users, Maintenance accounts, and DHCP reservation.
RADIUS PTA/LDAP health check interval It is the interval in minutes to check the connectivity of remote Database servers or LDAP servers.